Friday, June 14, 2024

What Vegetables Are You Growing?

What's Growing In Your Vegetable Garden?

The authors of these books can provide relevant info, advice, tips, and projects to help you grow delicious vegetables with less work and resources. And save you money: each title is on sale at our store - save 30% when you use the code GARDENING30 at checkout!

Growing an Edible Landscape

By Gary Pilarchik and Chiara D'Amore

Turn your unproductive lawns and landscape beds into a productive and edible garden with designs, plans, and the best how-to knowledge!

If you're growing tomatoes, Gary can help you get rid of those damaging pests, at

The Climate Change Resilient Vegetable Garden by Kim Stoddart

A gardener’s essential handbook to growing more food in a changing climate that’s filled with increasing droughts, floods, invasive pests, and other challenges. 

Ever wanted to grow cilantro? Kim provides advice at on how you can grow this tasty herb.

Simplify Vegetable Gardening

By Tony O'Neill

This advanced guide to using earth and plant science will help you have healthier plants and higher production from a home garden.

Part of that includes strategies to keep your soil rich and how to fertilize your garden properly - check out Tony's tips at LivingEtc.

The First-Time Gardener: Container Food Gardening by Pam Farley

Learn how to successfully grow vegetables, herbs, and fruits in pots, even if you’ve never gardened before. All presented in a friendly and accessible way, including step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations throughout.

And learn how you can grow fruits and vegetables in hanging baskets from Pam, via

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The Layered Edible Garden

By Christina Chung

Learn how to take cues from nature and create an edible garden space filled with layers of food-producing plants, from trees and shrubs to perennials and ground covers. You’ll be building a mini “food forest” that will produce food for years to come and require less work and fewer resources. 

And that food forest can be beautiful, too, as Christina tells

The Vegetable Garden

Problem Solver Handbook

By Susan Mulvihill

If you’re tired of battling blight on your tomatoes, losing your basil to downy mildew, and watching deer raid your vegetable garden, you’ll find all the answers you need right here, in this 2024 American Horticultural Society Book Award Winner.

Recently, Susan spoke with Woman's World, about growing potatoes in containers.

Gardening Know How:

The Complete Guide to Vegetable Gardening

An all-encompassing guide to growing your own food, filled with creative tips and practical advice from the editors of the world’s most-visited gardening website. Get all your veggie questions answered and the essential informatuon you need!

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